© Rupert Pessl

Do you have any comments regarding our sustainability concept or ideas on how we can continue to improve?  

Let us know by sending a message to office@schallaburg.at with the subject: Sustainability. 

Sustainability concept

at Schallaburg Castle
  • Schallaburg is aware of its role model effect, which is why it places particular emphasis on the implementation and communication of sustainable business practices and behaviour. 
  • Our aim is to provide you with food for thought and show you perspectives and alternatives in your daily activities. As an exhibition centre, we ourselves have also addressed the topics of energy and climate efficiency as well as sustainability and have identified existing strengths and opportunities for improvement. 
  • We use a holistic control system for optimised heating, ventilation and air conditioning and do not use heaters or air conditioning systems/appliances in outdoor areas. In addition, we predominantly use energy-saving lighting. 
  • Our building is already largely equipped with water-saving sanitary facilities and will be further improved in this area with any new purchases.  
  • As far as waste is concerned, we strive to avoid it as far as possible; any waste that is created is separated and sent to appropriate recycling systems. We use corresponding bins and signs to draw your attention to waste separation in the building. 
  • Exhibition walls and fixtures are reused as often as possible and then recycled by an external company. Existing elements (e.g. display cases, picture frames, screens, projectors and loudspeaker boxes) are regularly reused and taken into account when designing new exhibitions. 
  • When it comes to detergents, washing-up liquids and cleaning agents, as well as office materials, we ensure that these are used sparingly and that we purchase sustainable products with the appropriate quality seals. We work with regional suppliers and producers when organising events. They do not sell drinks in cans or use containers made from disposable plastics, and their products are of high quality and are sourced from the region. 
  • Schallaburg Castle can be reached by public transport. We also use our communication channels to draw your attention to this option and motivate you to use more sustainable mobility. 
  • Raising awareness of sustainability also plays a key role in terms of programming: we develop educational programmes that are specially tailored to the needs of children, young people and families in the Mostviertel region and work together with a regional team in cultural education. Inclusion and accessibility are a particular focus of our endeavours here. 
  • With our certification for the Austrian Ecolabel, we are also committed to continuously evaluating and improving our sustainability efforts and communicating our successes on an ongoing basis. 
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