© Gruppe Gut
Exhibition "RENAISSACNE then, now & here"

Overview of the 2024 packages

Das Gesprächslabor zur Ausstellung 2024

Jetzt läuft's!

This programme are only available in German.

Eine geniale Idee, eine mutige Entscheidung, herausragende Fähigkeiten: Das Zeitalter der Renaissance ist von genialen Köpfen geprägt. Aber was braucht es wirklich, damit uns eine Idee führt, wir uns positiv weiterentwickeln können? Im Gesprächslabor 2024 auf der Schallaburg wollen wir sichtbar machen, dass in Gruppen und Teams jeder/jede Einzelne eine wertvolle Rolle hat, wenn Geniales entstehen soll.

In einer Gruppe ab 10 Personen gehen Sie der Frage nach, wie wir zusammenarbeiten. Die Gruppe bekommt eine Aufgabenstellung, die gemeinsam gelöst werden muss. Anschließend wird das Verhalten im Team gemeinsam reflektiert. Ihr Laborleiter aus dem Team der Kulturvermittlung unterstützt Sie auf Ihrem Weg.

© Rupert Pessl

Included in the package:

  • Gesprächslabor "Jetzt läuft's"

Price: € 150.00 per lab excl. Schallaburg entrance fee
Price valid from 10 people
(entrance fee per person € 13.00)

Maximum group size: 25 people

Duration: approx. 2 hours

RENAISSANCE then, now & here

Guided tour through the exhibition

Immerse yourself in the history of an era that has lost none of its fascination to this day. Discover the captivating heritage of a complex and exciting era with our cultural education team and rediscover Schallaburg Castle. As part of this year's exhibition tour, we also take a special look at the unique arcaded courtyard of Schallaburg Castle.

© Gruppe Gut

Included in the package

  • Admission to Schallaburg Castle
  • Guided tour of the exhibition
  • Individual visit to the castle and garden

Price: € 17.00 per person
Valid from 20 people

Duration: approx. 60 minutes

New Escape Room 2024

Mission: Golden panther

All new challenges and even trickier than before: welcome to the new escape room! Immerse yourself in the Renaissance and solve a variety of puzzles. Your task as a spy squad: gain access to the working rooms of the suspicious lord of the castle, find incriminating material and disappear before you get caught. Let's go!

© Gruppe Gut

Included in the package

  • Escape Room
  • Admission to Schallaburg Castle
  • Individual visit to the castle and garden

Package price per game € 150.00

Group size: recommended for 4 to 7 people

Duration: approx. 90 minutes

The Escape Room can also be booked outside regular times on request.

Culinary delights

Schallaburg - The restaurant

In the guest garden located in the centre of the most beautiful terracotta courtyard north of the Alps, you can enjoy traditional Austrian cuisine with seasonal delicacies, pastries and ice cream creations in a unique atmosphere. The restaurant caters to your every wish, from breakfast to a stand-up meal, and also provides unforgettable moments at Schallaburg Castle for family celebrations, weddings and events. Regionality is a top priority for us. For example, the fresh herbs that garnish our dishes are harvested just a few metres away in the Schallaburg herb garden.

Menschen, die an den Tischen des Schallaburg-Restaurant im Arkadenhof sitzen.
Außenbereich des Schallaburg-Restaurants im Großen Arkadenhof. © Thomas Schnabel

Combine your visit to the exhibition with lunch in the Schallaburg restaurant.

Price on request

Explore Schallaburg & the surrounding region

Group packages 2024

by Mostviertel Tourismus
Anlage der Schallaburg bei Sonnenaufgang
© Rupert Pessl

Are you looking for excursion options for your employees, club members or travel group and would like to explore the region after your visit to Schallaburg Castle? Choose the programme for your perfect day from the group packages by Mostviertel Tourismus and combine your visit to Schallaburg Castle with excursion destinations and restaurants in the Mostviertel region.

Discover 2024 group packages

Gruppe von Menschen in Gartenanlage der Schallaburg
Das Grüne Herz einer Epoche erkunden. © KB Photography
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